Sunday, March 30, 2008
Goreng Pisang Wangsa Melawati
Ok, bermula dengan petang semalam 29/03/2008. Goreng pisang yang sedap bermaksud tiap2 kali beli mesti habis. Lagi satu kesannye serdak die pun habis kene bedal. Sepanjang duduk KL ngan selangor ni, memang susah nak cari goreng pisang yang best. Sebab tuu kalau koi beli goreng pisang ni bawak balik office jamu staff2 makan, musti diorang tanye kat mane koi beli. Tempatnye bukan rahsia, cuma susah je nak cari sebab kawasan tuu tersorok. Cume orang2 yang biasa ngan tempat tuu je yang tau kawasan tuu. Kisah brader ni dulu2 meniaga goreng pisang sorang2. Sejak 2 tahun ni dah ade 2 assistant. Loyal customer memang banyak.
Nama kedai: takde name
Lokasi: Wangsa Melawati, warong yang staffnye xpakai uniform. yang seberang jalan yang pakai uniform tuu xbest tepung die.
Killer product: Pisang goreng - tepung best, pisang pun masak, xlaa macam warong2 lain, asalkan ade pisang kekadang xmasak pun digorengnye gak.
Rating: 4 Bintang
Malamnye plak, macam biase xtau nak makan ape.Kul 1030 malam baru terpikir nak makan, ronda punya ronda. Pas tuu ternampak laa satu gerai kat area batu 6 Gombak. Dari luar decoration memang tip-top. Konsep kampung ala 'bamboo'. Terdapat gazebo2 dan wakaf2 tuk pelanggan yang rasa nak feel duduk bersila. Cuma environment kat situ xlaa serimba macam kat Tupai2 ataupun Kunang2. Seperti biasa, koi akan tanye "ape special??" dan seperti biasa gak koi dah tau ape jawapannye walaupun 1st time g situ. jawapannye "tomyam"...haahahha...what a typical malaysian!!!kalau malam je orang ingat Tomyam! kesian kat resepi2 kebangsaan kita. KE MANA HILANGNYA PATRIOT KITA TERHADAP MAKANAN TEMPATAN???
Nama kedai: Gombak Station - nak tiru Kluang Station kut. kalau ikutkan kat Kluang ade stesen ketapi, kat Gombak mane ade...
Lokasi: Berdekatan ngan Anjung Rahmat dan Taman Harmonis, Batu 6. Gombak
KIller produk: gi skali, test 2 menu, nasi goreng tomyam ngan nasi goreng thai. 2-2 FAILED!!
Rating: 1 Bintang pasal kebersihan ngan decoration yang menarik. tuu je...makanan out!!
Dah lame koi tak tengok pokok blakang rumah. rupe2nya dah besar pokok anggur yang koi tanam. dah dekat 6 bulan dah pokok ni. ikutkan dah berbuah cume pokok tu xdpat menjalar dengan betui sebab xbuat jaring yang cantik. pas ni ingat nak gi kedai mancing cari jala ikan tuk wat tempat menjalar pokok anggur ni. tengok kat satu rumah kt taman samudra tuu elok je die berbuah...rase xtau laa manis ke masam. nak wat camne, kat kampung bole la tamam durian ke, manggis ke. kat sini kene laa wat ala2 IKEA. stacking laa pokok2nye.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Body Lift Hari Kedua
Smalam pas hantar Trooper kat abg Hassan batu 6 Gombal. koi ngan jiran koi terus gi cari skrew tuk ganti skrew body yang asal. 12 batang sumenye. sepatutnye 6 batang 180mm M10 1.25mm + 6 batang 150mm M10 1.5mm. tapi disebabkan silap percaturan semalam, koi terbeli terlebih yang 180mm 2 batang. kene laa koi deras2 gi ke sentul island tuk cari skrew tuu. Disebabkan 2 je skrew yang x cukup, kerja2 'mengangkat' terpaksa ditangguhkan. Iras2 offroad machine tuu dah nampak laa sket. kalau dijodohkan ngan tayar lipan ngan rim sukan offset. PEHHH!!! mengangis luu...
Body Lift vs Suspension Lift
A lift kit is an aftermarket vehicle modification that lifts either the suspension or the body to give the vehicle a higher profile. Once a lift kit is installed, the wheel wells ride higher, allowing taller tires to be installed. Some new 4x4 trucks and SUVs come with moderate lift kits already installed. There are two types of lift kits: body lifts and suspension lifts. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.
The body lift kit is a one, two or three inch lift kit that only lifts the body from the frame. This inexpensive kit consists of blocks or spacers. A body lift does not increase ground clearance. However, it does allow for taller tires to be installed because it increases the height of the wheel wells.
Depending on the model of vehicle and the height of the body lift kit, additional money might have to be invested in raising the bumpers, extending the gearshift through the floorboard of the vehicle and making other modifications to accommodate the body lift. Although a body lift causes a vehicle to sit higher, it does not alter or improve suspension, or increase travel. In general, it is therefore not considered the lift of choice by offroaders.
A suspension lift kit raises the suspension of the vehicle by replacing front and rear leaf springs and shocks. It improves clearance between the axles and ground and creates greater travel. Articulation should improve with a good suspension lift kit, but because the steering geometry is affected, some people choose to add steering stabilizers. A suspension lift kit is more expensive than a body lift, but produces better results in terms of height, handling and ground clearance. Suspension lift kits are usually 4-inch (10.16 cm) or 6-inch (15.24 cm)lift kits. There are lift kits as high as 18 inches (45.72 cm), but extreme lifts drastically compromise safe handling, look odd to most people, and are not commonly installed except for showcase or hobbyist cars. If considering a lift kit over 4 inches, remember that the higher you raise the vehicle's center of gravity, the less stable it will become when making sharp turns at high speeds. This can happen in a split second, such as to avoid an accident or oncoming debris, or for any number of reasons. The jerk of the wheel might not be a problem for stock suspension or even a 4-inch lift, but at 6 inches or higher, more caution must be taken. The vehicle might also have a tendency to lean more in banked turns such as freeway interchanges and offramps, so it is important to refamiliarize yourself with the feel of the truck, SUV or jeep after installing a lift kit. If your main objective in installing a lift kit is to get taller tires that are at least two sizes larger than stock, your speedometer and odometer will both be off unless the rear end is re-geared to account for the new tires' circumference. There are many gear ratio charts available online where you can get an idea for what type of gearing you'll need. Just enter your stock tire size and stock gear ratio. This information is often included on the metal plate located in a door jam or by the engine. Sometimes it is encoded in the vehicle identification number (VIN). Re-gearing will also keep the mileage as close to stock as possible. If you are only going up one tire size, you may be able to get away without re-gearing. Several different manufacturers make lift kits. Prices vary, depending on the model and type of lift kit. A very nice 4-inch suspension lift kit, for example, can be as little as a few hundred US dollars. However, add to this the cost of a set of four tall tires and re-gearing, and the entire modification can easily cost US$2,000 or more. New tires are not necessary, but stock tires will look considerably smaller the higher the wheel wells sit. Lift kits can be self-installed with the proper tools and skill, but unless you are a mechanic, it's probably easier to pay a reputable shop to install it for you. Many shops that specialize in 4x4 gear also have auto bays and skilled mechanics to perform modifications for you. Note that installing an aftermarket lift kit will likely void the manufacturer's warranty of your vehicle. Check with your dealership beforehand if your vehicle is still under warranty.
Body Lift Hari Pertama
Bile duit dah jatuh dari langit tuu sket2. maka step pertama iaitu angkat body pun bole laa dimulakan. Kalau ikutkan hati suruh je kedai sume, tapi x trill laa plok. kalau bole tuu nak laa jugak kite tau amende yang dibuatnye...Ingatkan senang nak buat bodylift ni, banyak gak mende yang kene wat. mule2 beli teflon bush, koi pakai saiz 2 inci setengah pun cukup dah. beli kat ulu klang. jiran koi yang member kepada persatuan 4X4 Gombak yang rekemen kedai tuu. bole tahan murahnye rege kat situ. malangnye untuk body lift kit, itu je yang ade. ape yang koi pegang tuu adelah saiz teflon bush yang dimaksudkan.